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Draw on Halton - Industry


Summary of the 'Draw on Halton' creative challenge started - with the fifteenth prompt being "Industry."

Industry is such an important part of the development of Halton, we are surrounded by it's legacy every day. If you dive into your memories and these archives, we are sure you will be inspired: Halton Heritage Picture Halton

Photograph One: Photograph of the ICI Sodium Plant Black and white photograph of workers at the Sodium Plant at the ICI Cassel Works. The plant was shut down c. 1954.

Photograph Two: Photograph at Widnes Gas Works Black and white photograph with a view of the twin cast iron gas scrubbers at the Widnes Gas Works.

Photograph Three: Title: Runcorn: Lacemaker Further Information: View showing the bobbins

Photograph Four: Date of Image: Circa 1960 Title: Runcorn: Highfield tannery Further Information: Scientists at work

Artists featured on the Board

1. Maria Tarn 2. John Bond 3. Allison John 4. John Bond 5. John Bond

6. John Bond

All work submitted for the 'Industry' #drawonhalton challenge

Allison John:

Maria Tarn (originally created for the 'Smell' prompt):

John Bond:

For our 'Industry' prompt for #drawonhalton Local Artist John Bond was inspired to create this on the subject of industry. Inspired by drone footage of the Weston Point chemical works.

It is a Gelli plate and linoprint.

Another offering from Local Artist John Bond for this weeks #drawonhalton on the subject of industry. Well not really industry because science and technology is increasingly taking over from the old industries of this area of chemical production, tanning, metal working and ship building. At the centre of this thrust into new technologies is Daresbury Science Park. This is a reduction linoprint.

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